The Worst Christmas (2016)

George Michael (1963-2016)
“George Michael Dead at 53” was not the type of Christmas Story that any of us thought in our wildest dreams that we would see today. 2016 has been ruthless when it comes to our 80’s heroes.
There really would be no Bobby and Jason 80’s nostalgia if it wasn’t for George and Wham!. “Edge of Heaven”, “Freedom”, “Last Christmas”, and “Everything She Wants” are the very foundation of our 80s memories. That wonderful time when whenever you turned on the radio, mtv, the news, saw billboards, hung posters and went to concerts…there was George Michael.
Here is an article that includes Georges final encore from his last concert in 2012.
This is a bit George did with James Cordon in 2011 showing his comedic side. He starts at 2:11 and again at the end.
Thank you George for everything you brought to our lives.
You will be missed.
Bobby and Jason